FLRA files Complaint against Asst. Sec. of the Navy for Interfering in FUSE / NAGE Local R1-144 Contract

On Sept. 3, 2014, FUSE filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge against the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN - Manpower & Reserve Affairs) for interfering in the Union's bargaining relationship with NUWC by directing NUWC to violate the 2012 Demo Extension agreement because it was considered "unenforceable" by the Navy.

This resulted in NUWC funding the FY14 BP pools at 0.96% of salaries instead of the 1.8% required, and distributing BP points that were worth much less than the amount required by the contract.

On Feb. 27, 2015, the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), after months of investigations and attempted settlement discussions with the Navy, filed a "Complaint and Notice of Hearing" against the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (M&RA) for violating the law (Title 5, U.S. Code Section 7116(a)(1)) by causing NUWC to violate the Demo contract.

A hearing has been scheduled by the FLRA on May 19th in Newport, at which point the FLRA will be prosecuting the complaint against the Navy on behalf of the Union.

Although this is only a first step in our fight to recover over $2 Million that the Navy cheated NUWC employees out of, it is a great victory because it shows that we are right and the Navy is wrong.  Hopefully the Navy will do the right thing and settle this case soon by paying everyone what they're entitled to.

In addition, FUSE is going forward with an arbitration hearing on March 16th to recover over $1 Million in BP payments that are still owed to employees for FY13.

Hopefully between these two cases, and others that are still pending, we will successfully recoup all of the Demo BP and CP money that was withheld due to the Navy's unfair and illogical interpretation of our Demo agreement.